So… I am ready to photograph my star.

My music magazine and brand is called REIGN. I am hoping to portray lots of messages with my brand, I feel this will help me to focus on my target audience and their interests. Some of the vibes I hope my magazine gives off are;  edgy, colourful, refreshing, power, confidence, independent, abstract.

REIGN mission statement:

‘The Reign brand focuses on its target audience and recognising the importance of power and confidence within its readers. It is built on its exclusive charts and reporting on the latest news, issues and trends across the Indie-pop genre of music.  Reign has very strategic relationships with major companies across various industries because of its will to engage with its readers by including opportunities to their fans such as competitions, this gives Reign its brand recognition across the globe.’

It is important that I stick to my brands’ plan, being the mission statement, and portray this through my music magazine. I must include everything the reader is expecting ,and more! This is to leave Reign magazine with a good reputation and to exceed the reader’s expectations. Customer satisfaction plays an important role within my business. Not only is it the leading indicator to measure customer loyalty, identify unhappy customers and increase revenue; it is also a key point of differentiation that helps you to attract new customers in competitive business environments.

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