Draft of Front page

I have been using the photos from my studio shoot to create a front cover for my brand Reign. Here is my first draft of the front cover of my music magazine.

In my previous post I have uploaded contact sheets including all of the images I took in my photoshoot. I picked my favourite image to use on my front cover, that being this image. I then exported it into InDesign where I began to add all the features of a conventional music magazine. After playing with fonts, colours, backgrounds etc I have completed my first draft.


Above I have an evaluation of what a classmate thought of my first front cover. I have put all of her feedback into a document so it is organised for when I make my seconds draft, I can access this constructive criticism easily.

I now know what I can change to improve my magazine, such as the shades of yellow I use and I also want to adjust my masthead so the overlap of the letters look neater.

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