Star image – the performer

We decided to make our moodboard for our star on pinterest and create a wall as we feel as though there are more Melanie Martinez inspiration pictures on this app, which we can just pin on our wall which we all have access to edit and add to, hence all the variation of props and themes to include.

If you click on the image it should link to the real pinterest board.

Above is our star image moodboard including all our ideas for mise en scene for when we shoot our music video, this will come in handy when brainstorming who can bring what costumes and props to the shoot and also makes sure everyone in the group is on the same wavelength theme wise.

Richard Dyer, creator of the theory of the paradox of the star. Us making a pinterest moodboard relates to Richard Dyer’s theory as we want to portray almost our own brand and image. He suggests that a stars meta narrative impacts the consumption of media from the audience. He states that it is what we sell to the audience that is most important, meaning our stars image is the main brand which we are portraying and selling to the audience.

The artist we have got all of the inspiration from in terms of costume and hair is Melanie Martinez, an iconic star with very similar themes that we want to portray within our own video.

I am now more aware on how to make the star look very effective with the use of hair, makeup and props and how to portray the star well.


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