So… Hello Media Studies

I am looking to learn a lot of technical skills such as photo shop and gaining more experience on using a camera. I am also hoping to learn lots of new terminology and language which I can understand and use in my blog posts to achieve more interesting posts.

I have some skills in technology already but I’m looking forward to developing these further as I am using software I have never used which excites me. The skills I will learn with the technology will stick with me throughout life meaning I will gain lots of experience. Media studies will teach me time management and organisation when keeping up to date with adding to my blog frequently. This is important because organisation is the key to being on top of the work within my studies. In addition being generally organised and up to date with my work will prepare me for future life especially in the work place.

I also believe I will develop my skills in:

  • Team work – I hope to gain ideas from other members of my class to develop my thinking throughout the course.
  • Patience – It will require patience when producing my music magazine and music video as it will be a long process with lots of editing included.
  • Communication – This is a general life skill so developing this well prepare me for future life when working with new people in new environments.
  • Visual learning – Learning through images, slideshows, videos and blogging will develop my skills in knowing what looks good and is eye-catching. This should make blogging come more naturally to me once I get the hang of it.

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