Language Analysis

This week I am focusing on the double page spread of my magazine. We were given a range of types of articles in which we would have to choose one to analyse. These were our options-

  • Biography
  • Intro to a long read.
  • 10 Tips for Life
  • Q&A
  • New Band
  • Album Reviews
  • Interview

I chose the Q&A style of article for my very own double page spread as I was most interested in this one and I feel it flows nicely between the people as it is demonstrated as a conversation, there is a real sense of connection with the audience in this article.

I analysed a Q&A article to prove I am confident with the layout and template of this style of article, I do like most Q&A layouts/ templates however this one seemed crammed. My DPS will be a lot more spread out with the main image being a lot larger.

Here I have a short presentation demonstrating the features of a successful article to prove I know what to include in my article when I begin making it.



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