Conventional design features of a magazine

There are 2 types of magazine, conventional and unconventional.

Conventional magazines are the bog standard magazines you see everywhere. They have all the features you’d expect a normal magazine to have. These being:

  • Masthead
  • Plug
  • Pug
  • Main cover star
  • Main cover line
  • Captions
  • Cover lines
  • Price
  • Issue date
  • Barcode
  • Freebie

However unconventional magazines are rare and don’t include as many of/any of the features a conventional one would have. This is because they usually have little to no writing on the front cover, aren’t branded and tends to be just one big image; more like how a book would look.

In groups we annotated a conventional magazine and labelled all of its key features. Here is a picture of our work.

When it comes to making my magazine, i’m sure I will choose to create a conventional magazine as most music magazines are this, this is because it will be easier to have a masthead with my magazine name in bold, I can add headings with features of the magazine listed, insert more images and make it as eye-catching as possible.

I’d like to experiment with a few unconventional features too though, for example putting the masthead at the bottom of the page. However I wouldn’t recommend this as they’re meant to be at the top. I will be experimenting with unconventional features to gain experience and the knowledge of how abstract magazines look. I will gain an understanding for what unconventional magazines contain and what the most important features of one are. I will also be able to compare the 2 styles of magazine and conclude by deciding which type of magazine style is my favourite.

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