Shoot 2 Reflection

Our narrative shoot went very well in my opinion, in which we gathered lots of close ups and action shots to put in our video to make it make sense.

Here are a couple of images of behind the scenes of this shoot. The first one being Faris focusing the camera when shooting the extreme close up of Millie’s eyes which is shown in our video narrative storyboard. This photo proves we did this shoot to gather the most advance shots possible, making sure we took our time to get the exposure and focus of the camera correct so we could complete getting these shots in one shoot.

The second image shows us as a group as a whole, participating in creating the prom-posal poster to be time efficient and so we were all included in providing the mise en scene of the narrative shoot

What went well:

  • We got all the shots we had planned to get (and more!)
  • We all had a turn at filming different shots
  • We used each other as props for keeping the poster up when ripping it


Seeing as we aren’t doing another shoot and this is our final one, I am suggesting targets for when we put it into Premiere pro and begin editing it, so these are some targets for improving the shots when editing;

  • Colour correct some of the shots to match our already colour corrected video
  • Edit quickly paced when ripping the poster to make it more effective and portrays anger
  • Use the extreme close ups frequently throughout the video to have a running theme of her angry eyes, maybe colour correct these so the brightness of her eyes pop to match the previous clips in our draft 1.

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