Music video draft 4

Finally we have our final draft of our music video, draft 4.

What we have changed:

  • Filled in the gaps of the clips where the roses were
  • Did the final colour corrections (muted all the oranges and greens of the bush)
  • Turned down the saturation of a few clips as this was some criticism we got when other media students left feedback on our video.
  • In the previous draft, there was a clip at the end which we forgot to take the original audio out of, so we muted this.

I think that is everything we changed for this very final draft 4 of our music video The Love Club. All we need to do now is film some peoples reactions to the video and take their advice of what went well and what can still be changed.

Next, to get our final bit of feedback, we filmed some of our media peers watching our music video to give overall positive and negative feedback, in which they had no negative feedback for us!

Here is the video


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