Digipak- Moodboard


Please click on the above image to view my moodboard in more detail.

Here, I displayed that I feel as if we should have a clear link to nature. I like the idea of there being blue tones and a bold, structured font that dominates the front cover of the digipak. Moreover, I believed that the image should be very simple and therefore strongly like to the artist’s star image.



Please click on this image to view Kirsty’s moodboard

Kirsty had a few similar ideas to me, she also envisioned blue tones in the digipak describing them as ‘calming colours’. She also suggested that perhaps we experiment with the concept of double exposure to make the digipak more visually appealing.


Please click on the image above to view Ellie’s moodboard.

Ellie decided that she thought the digipak should be simple, yet still artistic. Moreover, it was also clearly stated here that she (like me) wanted a bold heading that would stand out and capture the viewers attention. Also, ‘relaxed colours’ also seems to be a necessity here and a strong sense of ’emotion’ appears to be essential.

For this task, we had to compile a selection of images. These pictures were elements that will eventually help us with the creation of our digipaks. Here, the initial ideas are placed and therefore from this we can start to conduct ideas and begin to construct the final product. We had to focus on things like font, colour scheme and finally image ideas. Eventually, all of these aspects will aid us to create our final digipak. Above, you will find firstly my moodboard, followed by Kirsty’s and then Ellie’s.

By making this moodboard, I have realised just how important it is to first ‘brainstorm’ your ideas before jumping straight into the production stage. This ensures that any bad ideas are immediately disposed of and those that work well are most definitely put forward into the production stage. Moreover, by completing this task we can now see common thoughts amongst the group and therefore we will be able to explain our ideas better and work cooperatively as a group. A few ideas we are hoping to pursue, is the use of blue- toned colours, block text and an almost sketch portraiture drawing of the artist. All of these ideas are displayed in the moodboard I created above.


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