Print Production Draft 2- Digipak and Advert

Please click on the image to view our digipak in more detail.

Please click on the image to see our advert in more detail.

Above, you can see that we now have both of our second drafts for the advert and digipak. After receiving feedback for both products, we went back to the production stage and perfected our projects by taking on board the feedback we had received from our audience. This enabled us to really get across our artist’s star image and therefore provide the audience with the products they are expecting from the particular genre we are advertising. We were able to really perfect the authentic and simplistic image we were trying to connect with our artist and therefore we believe these second drafts really depict this. By focusing on our previous target and adjusting a few minor elements, we were able to include all of the necessary conventions to both the product and the genre. Therefore we feel these products are completely appropriate to the task we were set.

We fully believe that we have learnt just how important it is to revise construction criticism on your work who in the production process. this has most definitely aided us to really create products that are to the best of our ability and furthermore wok well with the star image we are displaying throughout the project.We have also learnt how important it is to make visual resemblance between the advert and the digipak. This ensures that the audience are aware it is all part of the same album and therefore an obvious connection can be made.

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