Here are is my contact sheet with all the photos I took at Castle Cornet:

Out of all the photos I took, these are some of my favorite. I find these have the best angles, lighting and backgrounds as well as my models looking their most R&B – esque.

I find these photos have the best colours and angles in them that fits perfectly with my theme. The models poses are also really good as they convey that image of coolness that you can often see in R&B artists.

Separate shoot photos

Although I really like the photos I took at castle cornet, I also took pictures of my friend, Lilly, which I thought would fit with a contents page better. Here is an example of some photos I might use.

I think these photos look more professional and more visually pleasing for a contents page. The camera we used was better quality and had better lighting. We had pink lights in the background which allowed me to capture a nice dreamy vibe similar to the front cover.

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