Final Song Choice

The song we chose for our final song is Rango by catfish and the bottlemen.

We chose this song because we think it is;

  • Energetic
  • Summery
  • Deep
  • Emotional
  • Narrative capable
  • Open for interpretation
  • Ambient and vibey

I think this song is good because it has a spacey and interesting feel, I feel like the song is open for interpretation and has many layers of meaning so it will be good for a music video. The song has a darker feel, especially in the bridge section which I interpret as the music decaying the mind as the music becomes more frantic and chaotic. I think this can really help the narrative of the video to have a deep impact and theme. I think this song has enough themes that it can be used to convey many different narratives so it is perfect for a music video and I can already visualise many ideas for it.


Initial Song Ideas For A Video – Mini Pitch

For this task I had to create a mini pitch of a song I would like to do for my music video. I thought the song “Voldemort” by With Confidence would be good as it has a summery vibe and it has a deep lyrical meaning.

Here is my mini pitch!

For this task I implemented the use of syneasthesia which is essentially visualising music through listening alone. From music we can visualise in our heads the setting, artist and mood of video is and I created my word cloud by listening blind to the music and these are the ideas that came to my head.

I think this task was really useful as by creating a pitch I managed to uncover the features of the song and helped visualize my own ideas for the song. This has helped me to develop my creative skills and has allowed me to portray my ideas in a presentable way to my group members.

Favourite Music Video From Former Student

This is my favourite music video from previous students.

Technical conventions – The editing is done well and has a very summery vibe. The shots are varied yet convey the vibe well. Low angles from the drums give detail and the editing during the skating montage being quick conveys the fast pace and summery feel.

Video style – The fish eye camera gives the video a vintage and skater look and helps to add a layer of depth to the video and it portrays the stars as skaters and indie as the fish eye is a common feature of those aesthetics. The cutting to all the band members faces works well to portray the happy feel.

Narrative and performance – The overall video narrative seems to be skating and having fun during summer. The costumes help to convey this theme and the simple clothes relate well to the indie genre. The skateboard props help to show use what the performers enjoy and it helps to further install the summer feel.

Star representation – The stars are showed as talented but also as quirky and fun as we see throughout the video them skating and having fun. The bedroom feel of where the band is playing shows them as indie and relatable as it isn’t a huge stage but somewhere more familiar.


I think this task was useful as it will help me with my own music video as by identifying what I like and dislike about other students work I can see what I want to do in my own and what to avoid. I think this has given me an idea for a more summery music video with more of a montage idea as opposed to narrative and this could be a potential idea I will implement into my own work.

Detailed Music Video Analysis

Detailed music video analysis

For this task I had to choose a song and do an in depth analysis of it and how its features of Mise En-Scene, Camera, Editing, Narrative and structure help to convey the themes its trying to portray.

Here is my analysis of the song “The Pretender” by Foo Fighters.


I think this task was very useful as it has helped me to identify the features which make up music videos and how they are used in order to effectively convey a theme and narrative. This task has helped me think of ways in which I can convey themes within my own music video and it has helped me understand how to utilize different shots and editing styles to convey a mood.

Music Video Form And Conventions

In this task I had to analyse four music videos and unpick how Mise En Scene and Structure impacted the narrative of the music video and how it helped it convey its themes and narrative. After this I analysed how this impacted the star image and portrayal of the star or band.


Filled Out Form

I think this task was useful as by analysing music videos we can unpick the layers of detail within the videos and see how the different aspects makeup the narrative and structure of the video which allows it to convey meaning and significance. I think this task will help me create my own music video and what aspects to include in order to convey a narrative and message.