Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

Our first shoot was in the dark studio. We used this location as it created the feeling that our star is performing on a stage live venue. The dark background also adds to the theme of entrapment from not being your true self. Below are some images taken of our star on the shoot.

I think that our shoot went very well as:

  • We got great clips of Tegan lip syncing. She pronounced the words enough so that you can see her singing the lyrics but she doesn’t articulate them too much.
  • We managed to get multiple clips of her singing with different levels of makeup. This is helpful as we will be able to cut them to show her building up her makeup as the song goes on; showing how stars have to cover themselves and present themselves in a certain way for their fans.
  • Our shots are clear and in focus.
  • The glitter on the eyes were very effective as it picked up well in the camera.
  • The lighting works well so that it shows Tegan clearly without producing shadows.
  • We got clips from different distances so that we have midshots, close ups and extreme close ups.
  • We were able to film Tegan from a high angle to show her being intimidated by the cameras and paparazzi. It shows her as being innocent.
  • We managed to film using a tripod to get steady shots and also hand held to create the feeling of being a paparazzi.

The targets for our next shoot are:

  • To continue making sure the mise on scene works effectively to portray the message
  • To make sure the camera is in focus and the recordings are clear
  • To use a range of angles and distances to create interest for our audience

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