Music Video Draft 3

Using the feedback we had received from both Specsavers, Mr Gregson and our personal improvements we thought needed to be made, we have constructed a draft 3.

Overall I am really happy with how this draft has gone. I think the constructive feedback we received has helped benefit it massively.

Things we have improved:

  • One of the biggest changes we have made was that we have transferred the clips of them taking off their make up and hair to later on in the video. Before hand, it was about one third through the music video however now it is just after the half way mark. This has improved our video massively in that we are now seeing the girls in full faces of make up and hair for longer. This helps to impact our audience and show them how unhappy they were. Having the transformation happen later also reduces the amount of clips of them bare faced and hair down. Initially there were quite a few of these clips and it was starting to become quite repetitive however now we have changed this it is much more engaging for the audience.
  • At the beginning of the video, it initially started with A long shot of our star however we have now swapped the first two clips so that it starts with a close up of her face. This has improved our music video as it is a much more powerful shot and helps to engage with the audience and draw in their attention.
  • We have taken the lense flare away as it was a bit random and was causing too much light on her face. Now it has been taken away, it fits in with the rest of our clips to show continuity.
  • The end clip of the blinking eye has been extended to last longer. This enables the impact of how unhappy the star is to last, creating much more emotion.
  • We have added cross dissolve transitions on the overview clips of Tegan becoming dulled up in makeup. This cross dissolve helps to show the transition from one clip to the other and emphasizes the message of how stars have to change the way they present themselves.
  • We have added a wipe transition between the clips of Anya and Chloe from them being dulled up to their natural self. This wipe transition acts like a make up wipe taking off their makeup and helps to express the change from one clip to the other.
  • We have also added the cross dissolve transitions on the outdoor clips of our star. This helps to create a flowing and calm atmosphere showing the happiness and relaxed ambiance she is feeling in those scenes.

As well as giving ourselves feedback to work on, it was important that we received feedback from peers. This is so we were able to get a fresh set of eyes and ideas. Everyone has different opinions so it is important we get impartial comments from an audience:

Things we need to improve from feedback from peers and our own input:

  • We are going to add some filters to the music video to show an Instagram styled look and help express the narrative of having to express yourself in a certain way; just like people do on social media. For Tegan, this filter will build up as the video progresses in sync with her putting the makeup on and for the “normal girls” the filter will decrease as the video progresses to match them taking off their make up and letting their hair down. Because the filter is the opposite way around for the narrative and performance side of the music video, it will create a lot of juxtaposition and really help emphasis the change from being in full make up to being completely natural.
  • We could possibly look at adding more transitions in places that may need them. This will help to keep our audience engaged in the video.
  • We may need to alter the exposure and whites in certain areas to really pop some of the colours and make the background a bit brighter. This will again benefit the music video and possibly add to the Instagram styled look.
  • Feather the wipe transition so it is less harsh.

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