Branding Ideas + Mission Statement

Genre of my Music Magazine- POP

Name of my Music Magazine- RISE

I think the name of my music magazine fits in with my genre as overtime there is becoming a rise in music, especially in pop. I have personally chosen to use the genre of pop as it is the type of music I listen to the most and relate to, I really enjoy listening to it. The styles correlated with this music genre also have a particular interest with me. From research, I have seen what pop posters look like and have made a word cloud full of connotations which suit the genre of pop. This will also assist me with my mission statement:

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Mission Statement- Rise is the next best magazine to come to your shelves. It keeps you up to date with the latest music crazes and up to date releases of the charts. We also include top stories and facts from the top pop artists of our time. We try to inspire and inform the youths o the latest music to bring out their love and passion for it. A way in which everyone can express themselves, and it all do to with the RISE.


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