Draft Feature Article

Georgia- her life as a pop artist.

Get an insight of Georgia’s first year or rising fame

RISE met with Georgia at her recording studio in central London to discuss everything.

 2019 was clearly her year as Georgia is now the next best top pop artist of this year. The beginning of this year for the twenty-one year old was just like everyone else’s, her life was boring. However, within a matter of months her talent became a viral sensation on social media after posting a cover video of her singing Ariana Grande’s ‘Sweetener’. We met up with. Georgia to find out how she is enjoying her new life. Georgia described how, at the age of 21 she was working in her local supermarket full-time and if it wasn’t for her mum, making her believe she was so good, things would’ve been different. Georgia lives with her mum, younger sister in the north London suburb or Camden. She spent a lot of her time with her friends as it was what she enjoyed most and was how she relaxed after work. Her and her group was inseparable, they did everything together from going to the gym to nights out. Georgia was living a completely normal life of a young adult with no crazy plans for the future, at least that was what she thought.

 “I went from an ordinary girl working in my local supermarket, to the next big star”.  My dream has always been to be as big as Ariana Grande, and just by covering her song, this may become a reality. I was just messing around, singing her latest song and my mum insisted I recorded it on my Iphone, no fancy soundbox or anything like that. I’ve never been a big believer in myself, personally I knew I could sing, I had that hidden talent but none of my friends have ever heard me before, If i was with them I’d always just mess around and pretend I couldn’t!  

With many rumours of upcoming tours and other gossip spreading around the country, we were able to clear up a few misconceptions with Georgia and in particular she was able to deny the recent rumours of a romantic link to fellow friend Harry but she was absolutely definite that they were just good friends …for now. Recent news stories show Georgia hanging around with this fellow lad on a regular basis.  He travels down from his hometown, not too far from hers most weekends to spend time with Georgia. She claims they are just working on some music together and other things so that is the reason this are spending so much quality time. They were spotted out for dinner together at Georgia’s local Pizzeria last weekend and then in the ice-cream parlour on one occasion. This ongoing sighting of the pair obviously set speculations for their fans leading to assumptions that there is a connection between Harry and Georgia. She said, ‘all will be revealed soon’.

Even though she is at the beginning of her career , Georgia already has many plans for tours, “I cannot reveal any plans for my first tour but what I can say is that it will cover 3 continents and I will appear in 20 different countries” . She described how her  genre of music is ‘unique’ and all her lyrics are ‘heartfelt’ as it is a way in which she can express herself. “Music is my passion, it makes me feel so good about myself!” RISE, are sure that Georgia is enjoying the beginning of everything, and has accomplished everything she wanted at this point in her life.  She has many ambitious projects ahead of her and her life as a pop artist is just evolving.“I’m excited to keep learning from the best, l, release new songs and grow a fan base. Just everything in life I’ve always wanted.”

Below is a recording of me reading my draft feature article, from doing this I have identified my mistakes and will now improve it.

Targets for development

  • fix punctuation & spelling mistakes
  • make sure everything makes sense
  • change some words and phrases

Second Contact Sheet(s)

My top 5 photos from this shoot:

Why do I like these photos the most?

  • natural
  • very different but similar at the same time
  • they are taken in different backgrounds so show a variety

When doing this shoot I studied my PMA in order to meet it and have a successful shoot. It was useful when planning as I knew what I had to follow.  I took my photos at Castle Cornet, we were very limited to where we could take photos due to the weather so we couldn’t make full use of the outdoor facilities. Although, meeting my PMA did not go as far as there were some changes that were along the way. I dressed my model in a different outfit and instead of having two models I only ended up shooting with one. I also did not use any props as I planned.

Language Analysis

Another task which we need to complete within our music magazine project is to create a double page spread about our artist and genre. However I do not have much knowledge about this so some research was needed to learn some skills. We were given a choice of many articles to analyse, some included; Biography, Q&A, Interviews and album reviews but I chose to analyse an article which discussed top 10 rules for musician and rappers.

This is the article which I chose to do:

Q Magazine- 10 commandments ‘Wyclef Jean’ published in September 2017

This article talks about ‘10 rappers and musicians rules for life.’ Wyclef Jean is a rapper, musician and actor who was born in Haiti but raised in USA. The Article has no presence of a journalist as it is written in a first person narrative, so it is coming from Wyclef Jean and not another person. For this specific type of article which is ‘Top 10’, this narrative shows an interaction with the audience, a clear engagement with whoever is reading. The impact which this first person narrative has on the article clearly shows the reader a direct voice and that it is coming directly from Wyclef Jean. If the voice was a third person  narrative their may be a slight speculation of false information and an inaccurate response. Q magazine have made sure this was not the case and with the use of it coming straight from Jean. In this specific article there is no clear introduction and conclusion due to the structure of it, it is not made to include these two features as it only wants to talk about factual information in a simplistic way- by going straight to the point. However, some may argue that on the front page of the article where there is an image of Wyclef, there is a mini introduction of which there is a quote from him. It is unlikely that with this structure that readers won’t actually read the introduction and conclusion if it was there because it is not what they are interested in reading in this specific article. 

The location of this article is anonymous, we know this because the journalist is not present and it is a basic article of which questions were given and then answered by Wyclef Jean. It brings a lighthearted, optimistic sense to the written piece. Due to the style of the article, there is not much language based writing and it is very factual. This suits the style of the article very well because as readers we want to be knowing facts and not a story or a narrative. Also, the 10 facts of which he is stating are also not very long, it is quick and easy to read and therefore very quick to find out information. This style of 10 facts is dissimilar to many others, Wyclef Jean has cooperated with his own experience into the facts which really shows the reader that it does happen and makes it more interesting as they are able to see his own information. Quote in this article are used to add more information to the point Jean is talking about, stating his views, opinions and information about the certain tip. From this article many readers will go away with more information and will be involved in his top 10 rules of being musicians and rappers. 

Due to their being no journalist present within this article it is all through Wyclef Jean that we are gathering the information from. He informs us about his life as a musician and rapper all together right from his perspective.


A New Improved Front Page

This is my new and improved front page, personally I prefer this one to my first draft. I feel as if the colour scheme fits the idea I was going for from the beginning, the mix of purples really aid my model to stand out against the rest.

Whats new?

  • Background due to the fact I personally did not like my one in draft 1, I knew that I could do better.
  •  Bigger model which due to the feedback I received to do so.
  • Colour scheme
  • Title

What’s next?

  • Add price next to barcode
  • more pug’s and information
  • experiment with layout, possibly a new background as I am still not completely happy with this one

Draft Of Front Page

Feedback from my first draft:

What can I improve on?

  • more interesting font on name if artist, maybe something similar to the masthead
  • make the image a little bit bigger so more space is filled with main artist as this is the main feature
  • add a price next to the barcode
  • try and bet rid of the white background on the masthead

What went well?

  • bright colours which suit the genre
  • everything is in the right place which makes it conventional

Mast Head Designs

On Photoshop I have created 5 different mast head designs for my front cover of my magazine:

Each of these mastheads which I have designed I feel really suit my genre. I have made each of these very different to each other as I feel like looking at the variety will give me more of a choice considering I have not completely decided what colour scheme my magazine cover may have. I have done some multicoloured and others neon and pastel, I have also done some basic designs with a solid black and then with a pop of colour for vibrance. Out of the 5 my favourite is the 3rd one, the multi colours along with the black I feel really suit and will fit in with my front cover.

First Shoot Contact Sheets(s)

My Contact Sheet from my first shoot:



My Top 5 images from my shoot:

In my shoot I met my aims produced in my production meeting which overall made my shoot very successful overall. I costumed my model as I wanted and her mood and body language conveyed the right message which I intended for my front cover. Although I was not planning on including the accessory of sunglasses, looking back on the images I think that they were really effective and were correct for my genre.

Production Meeting Agenda for 1st Photo Shoot

For my first shoot, I have planned an agenda to follow, it is very important to do this to ensure that I don’t forget anything. My agenda includes the outfits of which are needed and who needs to bring them etc, also what props and directions I am going to follow. I have included the date, time and place for my shoot so my model and I know where and when it is taking place. The overall aims of which I have for my shoot are to take good quality images of my pop model portraying the correct image for my genre. The images from my shoot I will use for my front cover and then a double page spread inside my magazine.

Below is the tale of which I created highlighting the features of my agenda.

These are images of my costume for my front cover: