What is a contents page?

Collection of content page inspiration ideas:

Hand drawn:

Ideas to how I could possibly lay out my contents page

catchy headlines:

Created by me and ones that I think would flow well onto the contents page whilst also being interesting to read

Commentary and reflection:

Contents pages need structure to be effective, the technical conventions of a contents page include sections such as, features, reviews and regulars. The contents page is usually made up of, a main headline which is catchy to therefore draw in the audience, a main image, the biggest title on the page which usually reads ‘contents’, sub headings, a colour scheme and a layout with other contents such as pugs, issue date, contact details, title of the magazine and a website address. The reasons behind the contents page are primarily for information, entertainment and page numbers to find the correct pages. The reasons for the main catchy headline is to make the audience read it and to further the audience interest in the magazine, the main image is designed to add colour and something visual and interesting to look at instead of just writing it breaks up the chaos and allows for an attractive page. The use of the main ‘contents’ title is for the reader to know what is on that page and what is coming forward as well as where to find it as it is on that page, the sub-headings allow for there to be order and the magazine pages can therefore be categorized specific to that magazine, the colour scheme and layout is important on every page of a magazine as it determines the kind of interest there will be in the magazine and attracts the target audience. If someone is looking for a heavy metal magazine they will look for darker colours like black or red, however if someone is looking for a pop magazine they will look for brighter colours such as blue or pink. The layout has to be designed in a way that the page will not be too chaotic and will still be readable while allowing the reader to be immersed in the colours and writing and all of the features on that page. Overall the contents page is important as it tells the reader what is coming up in the magazine and what to expect, it shows what topic is on what page and it helps the audience to navigate the kind of magazine they are looking at further and where to find the interesting topics or articles to them in it.

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