Language Analysis

  • Reference the article you are analysing   link to the article: New-Band-25865qx
  • Reference the name of the magazine, date, title of the article and the author, e.g.

‘Billboard magazine-June 20,2015’       

  • Is there evidence of the journalistic technique 5 Ws & an H? 
    1. Who, What, Where, When, Why, How? 

There is evidence of the journalist technique 5 Ws and an H in this article. They are seen throughout the paragraph from start to finish, the article opens with where ‘on a patio in Los Angeles’ and the article carries on with who the band consists of, ‘ Steve Angello’, ‘Martin Garrix’, ‘Scooter Braun’. The article talks about what the band does, accomplishes and how they do it. Throughout there are mentions of when and key months such as ‘march’.

  1. Using the article you have chosen, address the following features of the writing:


    • Structure of article (is it an interview, a Q&A, a biography, a review…)
      • How do you know? 
      • The structure of this article is a biography and this is apparent as it looks closely and descriptively into a certain band and its band members, accomplishments and achievements. 
      • How is it laid out? 
      • It is laid out in an attractive style with the star image being behind everything whilst also being the most prominent feature on this page, the writing is in a white block frame to draw attention and interest. 
  • Are you aware of the presence of the journalist?
    • You can tell the presence of the journalist through the way the article is a story being told and it is from an outside perspective, not from one of the band members as it is not in first person. The impact is that the magazine is less personalized and more seen through a journalist’s eyes, it does relate the audience to the band but however tells them a story and gives the audience information. This is written in third person, the impact this makes is a less personalized feel and draws attention to the key facts and information.
    • There is a clear introduction and conclusion, the start of the article is opened with a description of the surroundings and the article ends with a quote about ‘Bob Dylan’s career conventions’ from a member of the DJ group. 


  • What is your sense of the location / event / person that the journalist is writing about? How is this achieved?
    • The sorts of words used are words such as ‘ viral stardom’ and ‘superstardom’ as well as the mention of other famous singers such as ‘Justin Beiber’ and ‘Ariana Grande’. These words and names peak the audience interest and desire for the magazine and the name dropping makes the magazine seem bigger and greater as there are extremely famous names mentioned. The tone and register fit the Dance Party genre as the tone is formal and serious as well as straight to the point however the starting font and use of the pink non-capital ‘t’ contradict the formal tone and fit better with the dance party genre. 
    • The sorts of similes and metaphors used are things such as ‘supergroup swedish’ this grabs attention to the magazine further as ‘supergroup’ is a powerful and bold statement.  
    • The quotes used are ones mainly from the managing figure who speaks directly and highly about the group, ‘I get instant respect because of who [Angello and Garrix] are. One is a legend and the other is one of the fastest rising stars in the genre’ This quote specifically represents the desire and attention the magazine wants to grab from the audience.The reader will experience a quirky yet informative insight into the genre through reading this article, the article covers a lot of information and is a thorough description about the men’s lives.
  • How does the journalist represent the star/band/music/concert/festival… through their writing?
  • The journalist represents the band as intriguing, powerful and a rising popular band for Dance party music. The journalist does this through key words and quotes such as ‘ The three represent nothing less than a redefinition of success in EDM’, ‘Supergroup’, ‘EDM”was becoming so big I really couldn’t ignore it”’. Throughout the article the journalist suggests that the group EDM is new and unique and their presence is changing the genre for the better, on a whole EDM fans and people who are interested in the genre will have the desire to read on. 


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