Made with Padlet


After being allocated the music style of Heavy Metal, we had to design a padlet mood board as a way to display images and feeling associated with that genre. By creating this mood board it has allowed me to understand the connotations of Heavy Metal music. It has enabled me to gather an idea of what feelings and emotions are created through this genre and how the use of Mise En Scene is essential to create the best image possible. Through focusing on Heavy Metal I now understand the conventions that are portrayed to the audience and how they invoke certain emotions. When we come to take our images I would like to focus on the aggressive, intense and rebellious feeling within the images on our mood-board as well as focusing on the idea of colour and how that is used to portray emotions.


Our Photos :

After creating our mood-board it put us in a better position of understanding the genre of Heavy Metal music. This allowed us to use the elements of Mise En Scene to put together an outfit before our photoshoot which tied in with our theme, focusing in on the main connotations, the dark colours, chunky boots, leather jackets and the use of electric guitars. Once we did this we had an outfit that fit well with our theme and worked well for our photoshoot.

After taking our images, our peers were asked to write down the connotations of the outfit we had created onto a post-it note and stick it to the model. By doing this we would be able to understand if we had represented the genre of Heavy Metal in the correct way. The connotations we were given were: Cool and Rebel, these fit in very well with the theme we had chosen and worked well with the focus of our mood board.

Final Images :

I chose these images to be my final photos as I believe they fit best with the genre we were given and then connotations we were trying to reference. When I come to make my magazine I will focus on the specific feelings and ideas I want to deliver to my audience through the use of Mise en scene. I will focus on the conventions of the genre I choose and I will remember to consider that everything in media has a purpose that will create a story.