Category: Social Media Page

Social Media Page – Draft 2

Link to our Social Media Page –

Once we had completed the first draft of our social media page, we continued to onto our second draft by making new main feed posts as well as stories and reels. Attached below is a small presentation showcasing the newest posts that have been made. In order to improve up our first draft, we used our reflection targets and acted upon them. It can be seen that we posted about political topics such as climate change. We chose have our star to highlight this issue by posting a collaboration with a climate change activist group ‘Cool Earth’, for this we shared an Instagram Reel for a one night only concert in Hyde Park with other large artists also supporting the cause. As well as a post on the stories feature encouraging our audience to look into why they should care about the planet and its environment.

We have now also included cross media convergence on our page, as our star was seen to be promoting an upcoming appearance on BBC Radio 1, giving her audience the time it would be on and hinting at what secrets she would be spilling. A Vogue feature edit was also posted during this draft, which included an interview article with our star, encouraging our audience to go buy the latest edition on read it. This helps to show that our star is established within the industry, people know her name and she’s  able to work with big brands and companies. In order to ensure that our audience is still able to interact with our star, our star has been seen to be replying to comments as well as sharing posts that the audience can interact with. Our final and most recent post within this draft, was a teaser of our stars new single and music video.

To know where we could still improve within our work, it is important that we receive a variety of feedback from people not in our production group. Below is a screencastify which we received from our teacher, in which she goes through what she likes about our page and what could still be improved/included within the page. Included below is a list of positives and a list of improvements that need to be made.


  • The page layout is coherent and has created a brand and Image for our star.
  • Collaborations with charities – Raising awareness for serious issues.
  • Clear use of Cross Media Convergence
  • The use of behind the scenes content to keep our audience hooked.
  • Presenting our star as ordinary through the use of interactive posts.
  • Brand collaborations and promotions – Extremely important.
  • The wide variety of post types. (Reels, Stories, Main Feed Images).
  • Our star has an image where she is portrayed as ordinary and extraordinary.
  • The use of a website gives a different vibe and effect to the page.


  • Attempt to use Guerilla Marketing. (One Off Marketing).
  • Try to use more Cross Media Convergence. (Potential to have the stars music used in a movie or tv show).
  • Release the Album when page is complete.

Overall the progress that we have made during our second draft is encouraging as we have received positive feedback. We have been able to create a page that has a coherent image and branding for our star. There has also been a variety of posts included within this draft such as, collaborations, cross media convergence, behind the scenes exclusives and promotions. All of these posts help to build a stars image, provide information and entertainment, and help to encourage social interaction to keep our audience involved and interacting with the page.

Our next steps are to include all improvement points in our next draft to help make our social media page as successful as possible. It has been suggested that we try to include guerilla marketing as well as more use of cross media convergence. It has also been recommended that we release our stars album as one of the final posts for our social media page.

Social Media Page – Draft 1

Link to our Social Media Page –

Included below is a presentation of myself and my partners first draft of our social media page. Within this slideshow there are screenshots of every post that has been made so far, whether it was on the main homepage or on stories. These posts have included information such as a release date for our stars single, merchandise that available for purchase, collaborations with brands and behind the scenes exclusives. During this process, it was important that we thought about how our star was being marketed to our audience and how the audience is able to interact with the social media page as well as the artist themselves. The use of persuasive and exciting language helps to keep the audience engaged and interested.

The main colour scheme seen throughout our page is typically bright and uses lots of shades of blue and purple, this helps to with the continuity of our products as these are colours seen within our digipak and music video. In doing this we create a brand for our star, by using colours that the audience can attach to their image. Throughout our page there is clear use of the typical conventions that many other music artists display on their own social media pages, this guides the audiences and allows them to navigate through the page easily. We also use Blumler and Katz theory of entertainment, information, social interaction and personal identity, in doing this it helps our audience to resonate to our artist more easily.

In order to have a clear plan of our next steps with our social media page, it is important that we evaluate the work that we have completed so far.  In completing the evaluation below, we now know that we are on the right track and have completed many of the items within the checklist, however we have an understanding of what we need to include in the upcoming drafts of our social media page.

Please click on the image to view the PDF


Overall the first draft of our social media page has been successful and our star has been portrayed in the way we had hoped. However we understand that there is still room for improvement and that there are crucial aspects that we are yet to include. This means that posts within our second draft need to include the promotion of a physical copy of our album and the use of cross media convergence. In using these two key elements we will complete the criteria and will be able to continue on with our social media page successful.

Timeline and Marketing Ideas

In order to create and produce a coherent and successful marketing campaign, it is vital to create a timeline for our social media page to ensure posts are created in an appropriate order. The information that needs to be included within these posts is imperative to the branding and marketing of an artist that can be presented to and reach an audience on a global level. It needs to include information such as tour dates, new releases, merchandise and teasers to help generate AIDA through entertainment. Our promotions also need to spark social interaction that allows our audience to gather a personal view of our star as well as helping them to adapt and grow their personal identity. Attached below we have included a range of posts we plan on uploading to our page this includes behind the scenes exclusives, brand collaborations, tour dates and interactions with fans.

The timeline above will help my partner and I to create a star image for our artist that promotes them in a positive and exciting way as well as helping our audience to engage with the text. In order to keep the audience engaged we intend on posting behind the scenes exclusives, tour dates, brand collaborations, a snippet of our music video and our artists own merchandise. In doing this we are thinking about the uses AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) as well as producing information and entertainment, and allowing our audience social interaction with our star and the ability to adapt their own personal identity.

Moving forward, my partner and I now have a clear and organised plan of what we intend on doing with our social media page (Instagram). This plan will help us to create a common theme throughout our page that fits our brand, star image and genre. It will also encourage us to use a variety of marketing techniques such as synergy and guerrilla marketing. This marketing timeline has given me and my partner a target to focus on and that allows us to use certain features such as AIDA to keep our help audience engaged, interested and attracted to the image and branding of our star.

Audience Interaction With A Social Media Page – An Analysis

It is important that before my partner and I begin to create our own social media page, that we gain a knowledge and understanding of how to present a brand and star image. It is also important for us to look at how artists promote themselves and their work within the music industry. Together, we chose to look at Tinashe’s instagram page and analyse her work and how she connects with her target audience and demographic. Through studying her page, we began to think about how we would like to promote our star, we understood that the general atmosphere of her page is something we enjoyed and that we would like to portray within our own. Below is mine and my partners screencastify where we have analysed and highlighted the technical conventions that are typically seen throughout her social media page. 

After analysing her page, we now know that Tinashe is an established artist and star within the industry, we were also able to see and understand all the typical conventions that she has used throughout her social media page as well as how she markets herself to her audience. Her instagram tends to follow the conventions of AIDA through the use of her colour palette and unique images. There is also clear use of Blumler and Katz theory of uses and gratification with promotion of information, entertainment, social interaction and personal identity.

With the knowledge and understanding that we have now gained, we are confident on how to promote an artist and how to keep them relevant within the industry. We have a solid idea of what is important when keeping our audience hooked, this includes promoting our star as ordinary but extraordinary. Going forward we will use thing information and knowledge when creating and promoting our own artist.

Social Media Page Terminology

Through analysing a social media page, I have been able to gather a wide variety of information regarding the technical conventions of a social media page within our genre. Everything that is posted within an artists social media page is created to meet the needs and desires of their target audience and fanbase. By having content that fits there branding, artists are able to easily promote themselves on a wider more likely global level. 

The content that is often posted on these types of platforms is often merchandise or products created by the star or promotions for their latest albums or releases. The use of a social media page is key in representing the star and their image, it also allows for direct communication between the star and their fanbase and helps the star to be presented as a normal human as well as this global star.

Looking forward to producing our own social media page, it is very important to think about the planning, timeline and structure of social media posts that will help to gain the most engagement. By analysing a social media page, I have been able to understand what technical conventions we will need to replicate within our own page to maximise engagement with our audience.

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