Evaluation of shoot or graphic design

What has gone well so far:

  • Thus far, all we have completed is an image of the kaleidoscope pattern we want to be represented within our Digipak front & back cover and the artwork of the Phoenix being freed from the cage inside somebody’s head, both of these pieces have been finished successfully.
  • The illustration successfully communicates the metaphor of enlightenment we wish to show with the bird being freed, similar to the protagonist within our music video being freed from the mundanity of normal life within our music video. This is one of the core messages which can often be seen being portrayed within the genre of EDM.
  • The Phoenix, which is the main feature of our digipak front cover, in which represents the enlightenment which is the core messaging for all three of our products. The decision was made in order to give the phoenix a multi-coloured scheme, this was to fit with the conventions of EDM which often uses bright/ neon colours in order to communicate this free lifestyle.

What could have gone better:

  • When scanning the illustration some whites of the page became difficult to remove.


All of the work done towards the Digipak front & back cover has gone very well so far, helping communicate the messaging and beliefs within the EDM genre and it’s conventions also such as bright colours. Our next step is too place these images together in order to create a final draft for our Digipak

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