Audience interaction with a social media page – an analysis

In order to further understand how an audience interacts with a social media page, it was important to study real life examples of EDM stars. My partner & I studied the social media page of DomDolla, and we recorded a screencastify outlining what we found.


It was very difficult cutting out a lot of information of which we discovered about audience interaction with a social media page into 6 minutes of footage. For example, the importance of AIDA within a social media page and how artists have to attract the attention, interest and desire of a prosumer before the prosumer will then take their call to action. When creating our social media page it feels important to make use of these gratifications. Domdolla also makes an effort to show how fun his life and how fun of a personality he is, this allows for people to find a personal identity within him, we hope we can reflect this within our social media page by posting videos festivals, travelling and our star image having a good time, it is also important we convey this in a way which will be appealing to our target audience. Another factor which is very important when we create our own social media page is that we successfully market our album and our star image as a whole, we will do this through posts of posters and artwork/ trailers relevant to our album titled ‘Kaleidoscope’.