The Camera Talks

This is my collage of photos and their different connotations and denotations. These connatations all come together to create a narrative which is shown through the different framing and angles that I have used. These different techniques all come together to allow for a seemingly standard image to represent an event. I have also used distance to convey the difference between people as well as make people seem more alone. In the image the composition allows for the image to show and convey a lot of different narrativesĀ  and ideas.

I have learned that using proxemics and mise-en-scene as well as distance, angle and framing I can convey a lot more of a narrative that tells a longer story. This will help in the future as I now know how to convey a lot of information using the different techniques I just mentioned. This allows forĀ  an image and an idea to come together and tell a longer ongoing narrative.

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