My Tour Poster

Here is some research I did of other punk music posters:

Here is my punk music poster:

Click on the image to see the PDF

Using Adobe Photoshop and inDesign I have created a tour poster for a fictional punk artist known as disordely conduct, The poster fits many of the established conventions within the punk genre while also being semi-unique with the outift used for the model which makes it not look like a direct copy of any already established posters. I modelled the layout to include small amounts text to keep the poster simplistic. I attempted to use colours that are associated with the genre while also making it look different enough so that I wasn’t copying any one poster. I used two different custom fonts for the poster with one being used for the masthead and the “World Tour” line of text, I also used an image of a brick wall behind her to match with the general themes of the genre. I tried to make the typography appear legible while also being well suited for the poster. I thought about AIDA (Attract, interest, desire and action) and chose to aim my poster to attract the audience for the genre and get them interested with the image and fonts to eventually get them to want to buy tickets for the tour. I did this by first taking an image of someone dressed up in a punk outfit and doing a pose that suited the genre, then I put the image into photoshop and inDesign and I removed the background. Then I inserted a background of a brick wall behind her and used custom fonts to insert a masthead and information about the tour.

I have learned how to utilise photoshop and inDesign to create a tour poster as well as how to insert custom fonts and edit images to create media. This will be useful in the future when I create media as I now know how to edit the images and make them look well edited and realistic whilst also being able to insert fonts and edit images and insert them into different images to make people look like they are someone else. This will be very helpful in the future when I make my music magazine.

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