Previous Student’s Work – Assessment and Critique

In order to help me understand the process behind making a music video I have deconstructed and analysed another student’s past music video and I chose to decode the music video made for Fire Meet Gasoline By Sia. Doing this has helped me understand what makes good editing and camera movement. It has also allowed me to see good ways to utilize lip syncing and editing to the beat.


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To allow me to get a better understanding of the different components of the music video and the success criteria that goes into making a good one I carefully analysed the mise en scene and star image throughout the video to get a better idea of what the video does very well. I believe that the best parts of the video speciifically are the camera work and editing as it is all done so well that you could watch the video on mute and still understand exactly what is happening at every point due to the pace of edit and variety of shots. These elements come together to create a clear star image that helps represent the themes of the song. The pace of the edit in the video works well in pace with the music. The choice of outfits and props were all fitting for the song and the narrative portrayed. I also noticed that  the way that the star was represented fit in well with the song and the genre, also the ongoing visual of the two wires about to intersect throughout the video is a good visual metaphor for the story presented in the rest of the video.

Looking forward this will help me as it gives me more knowledge on the importance of the many different aspects of a music video. This will allow me to know what to focus more on whilst making my music video. It also allows me to better use the techniques used in this video myself as I know understand them better and have an example of them being used well.

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