Magazine Third Draft

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Front Page What’s New:

  • Spacing has been fixed to stop overlapping
  • Added a reference to the double-page spread
  • Masthead slightly moved to avoid overlap
  • Star image shrunk slightly to avoid masthead
  • Increase name size in articles

Please click on the image to see the PDF

Content Page What’s New:

  • Changed the article title for Stuart
  • Added a page number
  • Changed double-page spread reference
  • Fixed a few spelling mistakes
  • Made, and added behind “USA”, an American flag

Please click on the image to see the PDF

Double Page Spread What’s new:

  • Spread out the text at the start of the article
  • Added a quote from the article next to him
  • Moved up the article
  • Added a box around the questions to separate them from the rest of the page
  • Added a box across the bottom



For my Front Cover I will:

  • Make Kai bigger
  • Change the font for the articles
  • Make the title bigger

For my Contents Page I will:

  • Change the “and” to an &
  • add apostrophes where needed
  • Change the fonts of the titles
  • Change the words to uppercase
  • Move the page numbers

For my Double-Page Spread I will

  • Move the page numbers
  • Move up the quote
  • Change the font
  • Move the continued on next page

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