Conventional Shots & Narrative For My Genre

To ensure that we are ready for our music video my group created a list of the different shots that are conventionally used in music videos. Specifically those in my genre as we need to be sure that the video is suited to the standard cinematography used by other artists in the genre. Some conventional shots used in this genre are close ups on both people and instruments, standard mid shots and wide shots, dolly shots and high angles are also often used

Some stories that are conventional for my genre are generally sad or sombre stories regarding heartbreak and broken friendships as well as occasionally happy stories about love and friendship.

This was also helpful as it made sure we understood the repertoire of elements that come together to make a music video. These include the editing and the narrative as if the editing is bad or the narrative doesn’t fit with the song then it could feel disjointed. All of these things come together in the video to also create a good star image for the artist by the way the video presents them.

In the future this task will help us create our music video as we know have an idea of the different types of shots we can use to convey different narratives in our video. This also allows us to plan to create specific shots in our video to help create a suitable star image for our perfomers. Some conventional shots in this genre are the standard ones such as wide shots and close ups on instruments or the people in the band, high and low angles, and dolly shots are also often used as well as tracking shots and high angles.

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