Language Analysis

I have analysed an article and the techniques and language used in it to understand the general layout and way that articles are written.

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Language Analysis

‘Cash For Questions , Alt-J, Paul Stokes’


In the article there is evidence of the 5 ws and an h as the article starts by describing the band and their history and then putting in a quote from one of the band members.

The article is a q and a with the band and is structured with a small introduction describing the band’s history and then launching directly into the interview. I am also aware of the presence of the journalist through the questions he asks, however, he remains relatively anonymous as he is only telling other people’s questions. The article is written in 3rd person and this makes the reader focus on the questions and the band’s answers. There is also a clear introduction at the beginning of the interview but not much of a conclusion. 


The location is clearly mentioned in the interview as it is joked about by one of the band members “I know being photographed in a library isn’t a good place to play down our bookish image,” which makes it clear the location of the interview. The library fits with the apparent reputation of the band as well as the questions that are asked as the interviewer tries to figure out if they are as nerdy as they seem or if they are troublemakers.


Throughout the interview the journalist represents the band mostly in a positive light as they seem genuine and polite throughout the questions as they joke with each other and the interviewer about seeming bookish and talk about how they were afraid to get told off in school. They also seem nice as they talk about how they wanted to take their parents out for dinner with their awards prize money. Overall the aim of the interview was to ask the band questions from their fans to allow the readers to learn more about the band and what they are like behind the scenes.


In the future, this will help me write my own articles as I now know more about how articles are written and what they generally include.

What is a Contents Page?

Contents pages are made up of many aspects such as the images surrounding the titles and coverlines as well as the general format of the page and information on it. I have analysed several contents pages from other music magazines and then come up with my own designs for a contents page.

Next, I have come up with 5 different catchy headlines that would appeal to my target audience by either entertaining them or attracting them using something that interests them. Here are my catchy headlines:

  • Johnny Cash’s never before seen interview
  • Get started on playing guitar in 3 simple steps
  • The life and legacy of Hank Williams explained
  • Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani discuss their recent marriage
  • Dolly Parton’s favourite country song of all time

I have come up with headlines based around the AIDA process and trying to get the readers to want to take action by reading the various articles found within the magazine. Contents pages also include an index and page numbers to help their reads navigate the magazine correctly.

In the future doing this will help me make a good contents page that fits within the general conventions of my genre while containing everything that contents pages generally include.

First Shoot Contact Sheets

These are my contact sheets from my photoshoot with Kai Townsend in the black studio. I like how most of them turned out and how they suit the genre of country music and I like my model’s body language in several of the images. I adjusted the lights a few time and experimented with some darker lights but ended up preferring a brighter look as I though it went better with my model’s western-themed outfit to fit with the country brand. I used a hat and waistcoat from the media room as well as some jeans, a belt and some boots that Kai brought himself. I think these props come together well to make him a more convincing country star. Here are my favourite two of the photos:

I like these two as the body language and outfit he’s wearing come together to give him the star image of a country star and I think these two suit the genre the best. In doing this I have learned how to do a photo shoot as well as how to use the camera’s correctly, book a photo shoot and work with a model which will be very helpful in the future.

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