My Media Diet

Blumler and Katz’ media theory, Uses and Gratifications, shows the relationship between the media audience (consumer) and producer and what they use various media texts for. For example I use Nirvana to enhance my personal identity as they have strong opinions that they express in many of their songs. Many people don’t realise what meaning is behind each song or they overlook what the band was trying to get out of it. The educational film primarily based on drumming “The Art and Science of Groove” helps me to educate myself on drumming and music in general. I have put Logic Pro X on my media diet collage as information and education, and entertainment. Using Logic furthers my music education as it helps to understand how to develop music in the Music production world of today.

The Uses and Gratifications theory consists of 4 main points…

  • Entertainment 
  • Education and Information
  • Personal Identity 
  • Social Interaction

Completing this task has enhanced my understanding of the Uses and Gratifications theory by observing how it happens in my own life. Learning this theory will develop my ability to create my own media texts because I now know the affect what I’m producing has on the audience/consumer. This will definitely impact on my music magazine. I will now be able to understand how the reader feels when consuming my magazine, it needs to be entertaining or funny to make the reader happy or feel amused. The reader may also want facts and information about various popular culture to interest them or further their education. I will now produce a more specifically tailored magazine to appeal to the readers interests.

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