The technical design conventions of a magazine

The idea behind doing this was to give us the base knowledge of how to analyse and figure out the front cover of magazines and what the technical or formal conventions mean. Having the ability to work out what the masthead, cover lines, pugs/puffs or even tag lines are enables us to understand the media meaning behind the cover. This provides us with the skills we need to do the same with our own magazines further on in the future. Going more in depth into it we can find out about the media theories like the theory of thirds or the triangle theory. For example we will know that the masthead is meant to be in the top three thirds at the top of the triangle so we see it first, then our eyes are drawn down the page to the main cover lines and cover star and so on. Other features of this magazine such as the barcodes and price are there to inform the reader.

I will be able to use these ideas, rules, and theories to develop a magazine people will be drawn to, not just for the main theme but also because of the placement on the page. I also understand what the audience expectations are so this will become easier to do.

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