Conventional Design Features of a Magazine

Conventional Design Features of a Magazine

Here is our annotated Magazine Cover with all the features labelled:

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A magazine cover usually consists of a:

  • Masthead – Gives the title/name of a publication.
  • Main Cover Line – Headline advertising the main story or feature inside the magazine.
  • Main Cover Star – Large picture of the main feature.
  • Cover lines – Short phrases designed to attract attention/motivate people to read the other articles within the magazine.
  • Captions – Little headlines under a picture.
  • Pugs – Small sticker used to promote/advertise.
  • Plugs – Selling points of a magazine.
  • Insets – A small picture inserted on the front cover of a magazine.
  • Issue/Date – Lets you know the date of when it was launched.
  • Price – Provides the price of the item.
  • Barcode – Enables you to scan it.

After analysing the front cover of this magazine, it has helped me identify the purposes for each technical and formal convention. Additionally when I come to produce my own magazine, I know what I need to include and create in order to reach my audience expectations.

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