Draft of the Double Page Spread

Draft of the Double Page Spread

Here is the first draft of my magazine double-page spread:


What I Like:
  • I like the colour scheme as it is simple and uncomplicated. I took the green from my model’s jumper and used it as an accent colour for the page. The green also works well as a transition colour from my contents to the double-page as there is a hint of green on the wheels of the pennyboard featured in the contents image.
  • I like the positioning of my model, I enlargened the image so that your eyes are immediately drawn to her. She also overlaps onto the next page which I think is very effective as it allows the article to be wrapped around the image, making the text flow and outline her leg.
  • The layout is very basic, with the name of the star written down the side of the image and a bold title for the article. It isn’t overwhelming for the readers.
What I need to do:
  • I think I need to fill the space next to my model whether that be a quote pulled from the article, stating where the outfit is from as my target audience is into fashion or simply moving my model more to the right.
  • I need to make my headline a tad bigger as I feel the placeholder text is overpowering it. The placeholder text also gives me a rough idea of how much I need to write as at the moment I feel like it’s too much.
  • As the text looks a bit chunky, I’m thinking of adding a pull quote into the middle of my article just to break it up.
  • I need to add in a standfirst to expand on the headline and further tempt the reader to read on, this may result in re-arranging the layout.
  • I may change the colour of my star’s name as I feel the shades of the green clash, making it difficult to read. A complementary colour may be good to use.
  • I might change the headline to ‘MIND AND MATTER’ as the article should be about what really matters to the star.

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