Second Shoot Contact Sheet(s)

Second Shoot Contact Sheet(s)

Here are my contact sheets for my second photo shoot with my model:

CLICK HERE for the full contact sheets

Short List of Images

These are the photos I have chosen to be on my shortlist of images:

I chose these images to be shortlisted because they are my favorite and had good lighting as well as being in focus. My Mise-En-Scene captured my genre perfectly. I went for a more casual costume with my Indie Pop model, a very vintage but grungey look. The poses I directed my model to do would be well suited for a double-page spread as they can be manipulated to cross over onto the other page and the lighting complements my model flawlessly.

As it was meant to be a location shoot I attempted to take photos in and around the school however, the lighting became very dark making it difficult for the camera to focus on my model. In the end, I made good use of my limited time slot in the white studio and thankfully had the images I envisioned for my double-page spread.

When choosing a final image for my double-page spread, I decided to use image 1 as I feel it encapsulates the mood I wanted to express throughout the page. I’m really happy that I incorporated the stool as it gives off the chill vibe and the way my model is positioned on it has a sense of playfulness. With her leg stretched out aswell, it provides me with the opportunity to wrap my text around the image so the article can outline her leg. This would work exceptionally well for my double-page spread.

Shoot Evaluation

Overall, I believe this photo shoot was successful. Having everything planned and organised thoroughly, with the use of my Production Meeting Agenda, help massively as it meant we could get straight into the production without rushing. My model came fully prepared with the costume on and hair/makeup done, this was handy as we didn’t waste any time in the white studio due to the location shoot not going to plan for us. Unlike my first shoot, I was finally able to sync the camera and flash together and as a result of that, the photos came out admirably.

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