Second Draft of Double-Page Spread

Second Draft Of Double-Page Spread

Here is the second draft of my magazine’s double-page spread:

What’s New?
  • I tweaked the headline to ‘MIND AND MATTER’, and changed the colour of the ‘AND’ to a complimentary colour of green.
  • My article is added and laid out in columns, a complimentary coloured box is positioned behind the website so that it stands out to the readers.
  • I took the pull quote out of the article as I felt the article didn’t need breaking up, so I’ve placed it by the model instead.
  • I’ve added a light complimentary coloured outer glow to my model to give her more definition.
What’s Next?
  • I feel like I need to change the title to something relating to the article like ‘Feeling The Beat / Music / Vibrations’ as at the moment it doesn’t quite fit so changing it will be better for the target audience.
  • I might make my pull quote bigger and position it further down on my model, then add a box above it either talking about the outfit or linking social media’s so that I fill the empty space.
  • I’m going to see whether a background colour is needed as white is a bit plain.
  • Finally, I need to add a standfirst and a by line.

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