Star Image – The Performer

Star Image – The Performer

To have a clear understanding and vision of how we want our star image to be represented, we compiled together a variety of articles, tweets, events, pictures, and stories related to an artist similar to our desired star. This mood board allowed us to explore how media representations can create a concept of a star image and build a metanarrative of them.

For this mood board, we decided to use Harry Styles as our inspiration as we felt he was the perfect overall vision and representation of our star image. As well, he carries across the same ideas, values, and beliefs we wish for our star image to portray. The compilation of various words and images constructs a strong metanarrative for the star which is necessary for raising an audience’s awareness. This includes album/magazine covers, advertisements for live tours, merchandise, collaborations with well-known brands, publicity stunts, and stories.


With this inspiration, we want to represent our star image as confident, lovable, bold and idiosyncratic. Our aim is to characterize our star as someone who is brave to go against societal norms; providing a safe community, excepting and supporting everyone who desires to become their true selves without judgement. This allows fans and followers to identify with the star and the underlying message of our video.

Mise-En-Scene will play a huge part in expressing this idea; glamorous and flambouyant costumes, bright fluorescent lighting, euphoric makeup, open body langauge and exhilarated expressions.

Focus Forward

As a group, we have further developed the key themes we want to illustrate throughout our video and focused on improving the representation of our desired star image. This task has generated endless ideas for our mise-en-scene, which has helped us massively in the planning process for our performance shoot. Additionally, we need to be cautious of not overcomplicating things as it could become too much, so keeping our ideas simple but yet effective will ensure that our shoots run smoothly and the overall video turns into a success.

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