Video Narrative Photo Board/Shot List

Video Narrative Photo Board/Shot List

As a way of organizing our shots for the narrative shoot, we created a narrative photo board to visualize our ideas and a shot list that gives a clear layout of what we need to film to edit for sense.


This task has allowed our group to establish the various shots that we need to film and make sure we haven’t missed any bits of the narrative. From planning the narrative into shots, there is a clear narrative structure that we can follow throughout our shoot. We have made sure to include a variety of shot distances so that no narrative themes are overlooked. Our shot list contains reaction shots to signify the actors’ feelings and emotions, close-ups to highlight the quirky, eccentric mise-en-scene, and mid to long shots/wide angles to create a connection to the character and their story. Overall this has given us a good understanding of how we are going to portray the narrative of the character to the audience throughout the music video.

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