Music Video Draft 2

Music Video Draft 2

From having filmed the narrative, we were able to put together a complete draft of our music video, combining the narrative into the performance.

Below is our draft 2, including the narrative:

After completing this edit, as a group, we began to apply the assessment criteria of a music video to our own.

Self-Assessment of Video

what went well
  • We successfully enhanced the colors used throughout our mise-en-scene of both the performance and narrative. The vivid colors; pink, blue, green, and orange were made to look more striking by making use of the color correction tools within the software. This created a lively, fun, and spirited atmosphere for the transformation.
  • Our clips are evidently edited to the beat of the song, making the video flow admirably with the music.
  • After gathering our footage, we found we had a wide range of shots taken from various angles and distances. This gave us an array of clips to work with, resulting in a variety of match-on-action shots and reaction shots, giving our video some variation.
  • Overall, we were able to get some really good shots that were still, well-lit, and in focus. These consist of: an extreme close-up of the eye which shows off the bold feathery false lashes which were part of our mise-en-scene, an over-the-shoulder shot looking into the mirror’s reflection of the actor, and a medium close-up of the actor in front of some scenic bushes singing his heart out. All these shots reflect the joy of his journey.
  • There is a good balance of narrative and performance throughout the music video.
  • At the end of the video, the pinboard makes a final appearance. The prop ended up becoming such a significant part of the narrative and representing the meaning of freedom and following your dreams. This turned out to be very effective as it acts as a reminder of how his journey began and the start of new beginnings.
targets for improvement
  • Even though the tripod was set up correctly and no one touched it whilst filming, there is a slight wobble in some clips so they will need stabilizing. This is evident in some shots within the montage.
  • We are still experiencing issues with the projections. At the moment, the effects have appeared too light, which in fact has made our euphoric-inspired makeup and the rest of the mise-en-scene visible; but it still isn’t what we imagined it to be. For the next draft, we are going to experiment with it more and build on our skills in a new software called ‘After Effects”, this would allow us to layer both clips without losing the quality of it and hopefully the outcome will be what we hope for.
  • Some clips are ever so slightly out of sync with the lyrics of the song, so only some minor changes will need to be made to fix this.

Focus Forward

We have made exceptional progress with our music video. As a result of working hard as a group, we have a finished draft of the video with both narrative and performance intertwined together. This now acts as a basis to expand on and allows us to visualize the video as a whole. There are obvious tweaks that need modifying/changing but by communicating which each other, we will be able to figure out a straightforward plan on how to address and resolve these issues. At first, it was very challenging to assess where the narrative would fit in and look right with the performance but, by experimenting with different ideas, we were able to establish a good balance between the two. It was fun brainstorming various creative ideas with my group which we could incorporate into our editing, it reflects good teamwork and partnership. We shall continue to improve on our video and work hard for it to reach its full potential.

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