Teacher Feedback – Screencastify

Teacher Feedback – Screencastify

During the final stages of editing, we received feedback from our teacher to further improve our music video.

what went well
  • The performance is great; rhythmically it works really well and is consistent with the design.
  • Use of close-up and reaction shots.
  • Jump-cut montages of performance work well; echoes the actors thought processes.
  • Pinboard gives a motif/theme – a sense of discovery.
  • Like the consistency of split screens.
Targets for improvement
  • Focus more on the narrative.
  • Explore special effects to further illustrate the importance of his redemption/epiphany.
  • A slight continuity error is present near the beginning where the actor doesn’t align properly with the previous clip, making it a jump cut.
  • The narrative montage cuts too quickly, resulting in the audience not understanding the significance of the ‘normal’ items.
  • As the actor goes to open the door in the lead-up to his transition, we cut back to the performance. It detracts from his big moment and gives no meaning, belittling the transformation. So we shall think about re-ordering and adjusting the clips.
  • In the reveal of his transformation, we should add colour correction to brighten the flamboyant colours throughout his outfit. Mute the colours in the narrative prior to this moment to show contrast.
  • As he opens the door; add a transition, like a dip-to-white, to emphasize his step in being different from the societal norms.
  • Cars are present to the side of a clip – they’re distracting so need to reframe the clip.
  • Clips of our actor walking along the path become repetitive so we will change clips to add some variety.
  • We should rearrange clips during the book throw as the performance is unneeded in the middle of it.


The constructive criticism has allowed us to understand the various adjustments that need to be tweaked in order to improve our video even further. The main aspect of the video that requires our focus is the narrative as it’s not as strong as the performance. By using the techniques that Specsavers taught us; we can easily tackle colour correction, ensuring that similar clips have identical lumetric colouring. We will render the order of clips to allow for more meaning and significance to be identified. This feedback was very useful and provided us with helpful ideas that will give our music video that extra push in the right direction.

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