Social Media Page Terminology

Social Media Page Terminology

By analyzing an artist’s social media page, similar to our genre, I was able to identify the importance of technical conventions in relation to social media.

Focus Forward

Now, I can begin to apply my knowledge and understanding of the social media technical conventions to my own social media platform for my artist. A social media profile can act as a marketing tool for the star image and brand. By creating a successful social media page, it will lauch as a marketing campaign, raising awareness and promoting the brand to a wider target audience. This has made us realize what causes activity amongst the varying posts; by posting photos as well as videos, we will provide more variation to our page. Also, highlights are a great way to permanently advertise products, brands, and events. Creating a synergized relationship will expand the reach and be beneficial to both parties. After this task, I am able to begin planning and drafting posts for our social media page; knowing what will fit with our marketing strategy, be engaging and allowing an equilibrium of work and everyday life posts. Additionally, understanding what will provoke Blumler&Katz’ theory of social interaction, personal identity, entertainment, and information.

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