Narrative Exploration

Narrative Exploration

We explored different narratives from professionally-made music videos:

BAD HABITS – Ed Sheeran

‘Vampires terrorize New York’

This narrative looks into vampires who torment the city at night, only to disappear and dissolve when the sun rises. The music video comes across as quite random, so is disjunctive to the lyrics.

ADORE YOU – Harry Styles

‘Companionship & Letting go’

This narrative reflects the true companionship with a found fish which he grows to love and protect; but then the dreaded day comes when he needs to set the fish free into the endless sea because it has become too big to care for on land, however, will continue to love the fish forever. The music video amplified the lyrics.


‘Stuck in a Loveless Relationship’

This narrative looks at the reality of toxic relationships, the boy is trying hard to convince his love interest to leave her current boyfriend who is disrespecting her. He believes he will ‘treat her better’ and show her the love that she deserves. The music video is illustrative of the lyrics.

Original Narratives

GUARDIAN ANGEL – A girl follows a mysterious man who keeps disappearing. She suspects the man has secret transportation powers and becomes obsessed with him, but turns out he is her guardian angel and has been protecting her.

DEAR DIARY – Everything the person writes in the diary happens in real life. Her whole life is written in that book, until one day the diary is torn apart, the destruction of the diary leads to her life becoming destroyed, isolated, and trapped.

IS THAT YOU – His mother died and her spirit comes back as a dove bird or other thing, she tries to communicate with him by following him and leaving messages behind; just for him to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

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