Final Pitch To Teacher

Final Pitch To Teacher

Here is the slideshow of our final pitch which we presented to our teacher:

Within the presentation, we spoke about our chosen song followed with a word cloud that included descriptive words that portrayed the overall feel. Then we pitched our ideas on the running themes of our narrative with photos which helped visually picture the concept. The performance contained our thoughts on the MES-EN-SCENE (CLAMPS) and pictures reflecting the inspiration we had for it.

Teachers Feedback


  • Binary ideas, both in the narrative and performance, work together effectively.
  • Moments of transformation provide an opportunity to do really nice stuff with transitions; the use of graphic matches or match-on-action – a feeling of magical.
  • The well-thought-out, fun, and glamourous MISE-EN-SCENE for the performance shoot works really well.
  • The idea of using different people for the performance, to lip-sync the song, allows us to cut those different clips to the beat and change person whilst staying stationary in the same position. It also creates a great way to represent the community feel.
  • Its simplicity gives us a better chance of accomplishing our ideas.


  • Think about the moments of transformation and what they’re going to be/what’s going to happen in each one, and how we will portray them; maybe the angel could take him to different places and find different things like various flamboyant stuff.
  • A worry about projecting onto somebody whilst filming; the projector is flickering and it shows on camera but we can’t see it in person, we want to avoid the stroboscopic effect as it doesn’t look good. We would need to use an old school overhead projector however, it would only be able to project static images.
  • Need to nail down and finalize the costumes for the performers.
  • Need to do a proof of concept, to know we can achieve our ideal outcome.

Focus Forward

This task has helped us improve our original idea and further develop the narrative and performance for our music video. By working well within a group, it also allowed me to contintue expanding on my communications skills and decision-making.

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