Conventional Shots and Narratives for my Genre

Conventional Shots and Narratives for my Genre

We used padlet to create a compilation of different shots that conveyed a narrative within a music video that is similar to the vibe of our own video idea. Our chosen song, ‘Perfect Places’ by Lorde, is found a part of the alternative/indie pop genre. The genre conventionally carries an emotional yet powerful narrative, reflecting the lyrics, through the use of cinematography that captures and follows the main star’s journey. Typically, artists are likely to represent their star images in an eccentric way, emphasizing their individuality. As part of the performance, they tend to include either a band or just one entity; the acting would be portrayed as sincere and genuine with a glimpse of hope and freedom, using a mid to close-up shot.

These are the different shot types that my group identified throughout a music video related to our genre:

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Focus Forward

It is important to establish the key conventions of a music video within a chosen genre so that as a group, we can make sure our video is successful. This has allowed us to begin planning for our lip sync practices and with the help of this task, we can organize the repertoire of elements to include in preparation for the first shoot. After analyzing similar music videos, it has inspired and given us new creative ideas for various shot types we could incorporate into our video to portray the performance and narrative of our main star perfectly. It has also provided us with a good understanding of the different meanings a shot, angle, and transition can signify to an audience. Overall, this task will be really helpful for responding to our creative critical response essay in the future.

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