Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

Music Video draft 1 – Rough Cut

Soon after filming, we uploaded our footage onto the computer so that we could begin creating the first draft of our music video. The software, Premiere Pro, allowed us to start compiling our clips together, and edit to the beat of the music whilst also syncing the lip-sync with the song. At this stage, as a group, our goal was to nail down the key conventions required for our genre and be creative. By thinking about the edit beforehand, we were able to shoot a variety of shots with different angles and frames. This gave us the opportunity to play around with varied cuts, transitions, layouts, and effects.

Below is our draft 1, rough cut:

What went WELL
  • As a group, we showed good teamwork throughout; conquering challenges efficiently so that they didn’t affect our filming and time in the studio.
  • Seen as we captured a lot of footage, it gave us a huge boost of creativity as we experimented with different cuts, transitions, effects, and layouts that were needed.
  • We synced up the video to the music almost perfectly. With the actors knowing the song well, it helped to easily sync the lip-sync to the song.
  • After trial and error with the projections, we finally managed a solution, post-production, of layering and blending the clips together. However when uploading the footage, the videos did appear much darker than expected so hopefully, we can figure a way of fixing it so that none of our mise-en-scene is hidden.
  • We’ve made our video fun and quirky. The split screen reinforces a sense of fun and a sense of collective friends having fun, which fits in with the conventions of our genre.
Targets for improvement
  • A lot of our mise-en-scene highlighted on our actors through costume, hair, and makeup has become non-visible to the audience, To ensure our mise-en-scene isn’t erased by the darkened and hazy projections, we shall experiment with different opacities of the effects until we find the right balance when we continue editing.
  • At one specific moment, all actors are on screen, two on either side facing into the middle. We established that the colors and actors fade at different times making it look uneven. To correct this, we can change the timing of the transition to guarantee that they disappear together at the same time.

Focus Forward

Personally, I feel our music video is coming along really well. We have acknowledged the conventions of the genre and portrayed that successfully through our mise-en-scene and various shots. As a group, we carefully thought out the shoot in preparation for the edit, and the outcome of it is very impressive. By planning effectively and being efficient, we were able to achieve our goal. Also from using new editing software, we learned new skills which will help progressively improve our music video throughout different drafts and give it high quality. As well, as experimenting with visual effects, we’ve discovered new tricks that will benefit the edit and entertain the audience.

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