Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

For the performance shoot, we made the decision to film in the white studio as the minimal white background would be compatible with our initial idea of using a projector to create moving patterns and effects. All of us involved came equipped with the costumes, makeup, and props that we were responsible for bringing. We also allowed time in advance to set up the camera and lights in the studio, and get ourselves ready in preparation for shooting.

Initially, we planned on using an overhead projector/DIY projector as we wanted to avoid the stroboscopic effect but after test trialing them; we found they didn’t display the patterns and effects the way we had hoped for. The overhead projector only allowed us to project static images and the DIY projector would have given a bad quality to our music video. Thankfully, we acquired a light projector that emits a galaxy effect without the stroboscopic effect. However, whilst experimenting with the light and different shots, we realized we couldn’t film the performance with the light directly reflecting onto the person as it darkens the shot; this makes it difficult to recognize our mise-en-scene like the gems, glitter, and stickers. As a group, we figured it’d work better if we film the reflection of the light projector on the white backdrop, using different colors, separate from the performance so that in post-production we can easily blend the clips together.

Throughout the shoot, we had a lot of fun. As directors and performers, we made sure to create an enjoyable and relaxed environment for everyone so no one felt embarrassed when performing; and we joined in with the singing/dancing so that the performer didn’t feel uncomfortable. It was important to give encouragement when someone is performing as it can be a vulnerable position to put yourself in, especially when you’ve never lip-synced in front of a camera before.

In general, I felt our first shoot was a success.

  • We put a lot of thought into the mise-en-scene and ensured that it clearly represented our star image. The bright colors, euphoric-inspired makeup, and funky props created the glamourous idiosyncratic feel of the performance.
  • The preparation of the light projector prior to the shoot was very helpful as we had a clear understanding of how we’d use it for filming. This allowed for our time in the studio to be used effectively and efficiently, which gave us more time to gather a variety of other shots.
  • As we planned what shots we initially wanted beforehand, we were able to film a lot of footage (plus more) which is great for the post-production process as we can start to think about we wish to edit those shots together and to the beat.
  • All performers were familiar with the song and previously learned the lyrics, so we were prepared to start filming straight away.
  • Our thinking-ahead planning, organization, and communication enabled us to have a smooth-running studio shoot with no occurrence of major issues.
  • One of our lights had a low charge so the battery was slowly dying, which made the lights occasionally turn off/cut out. This did get frustrating as we’d be halfway through a run and the light would go out, making the clip go dark, so next time we shall check the batteries of our lights to ensure it won’t happen again.

Focus Forward

The planning and organizing of the mise-en-scene and shots, ahead of time, for the shoot, was very useful as it allowed us to be fully prepared and equipped to film the footage without wasting any of our valuable time. This performance shoot made us learn and build upon new skills, such as teamwork, communication, organization, technical skills involving the camera and lighting, and directing. We followed our production meeting agenda which ensured we’d represent the perfect star image and convey meaning. This process has made us realize how important it is to trial run stuff in case it doesn’t work or it is not how you imagined it to be. We will keep this in mind for next time so that everything works and runs smoothly.


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