Specsavers Feedback

Specsavers Feedback

We were very fortunate to have a visit from professional creatives who film and edit as a job for Specsavers. This opportunity allowed us to gain constructive feedback and guidance that would help improve our music video.

  • They clarified that the way we had gone about the projections was the best possible way of executing our idea, which was reassuring.
  • During filming, we should’ve changed the settings on the camera for more contrast between the performer and the projector background; this would have made our star be seen more noticeably and distinctly as well as made the overlaying of the project easier to execute.
  • Organize our workspace by colour coding, this enables us to differentiate the narrative from the performance and not become confused on various sections.

As well, we were taught different techniques that would be useful when we edited:

  • We were shown how to copy and paste attributes onto clips so that all settings were identical. This was much more efficient than going through each clip individually.
  • We learned how to execute zooming in different ways; either gradually zooming in by adjusting the scale at different time frames or cutting a clip and adjusting the scale for a more sharp zoom.
  • Allowing us to make various aspects of the setup full-screen enabled us to identify minor issues that needed altering.


It was really beneficial to get constructive feedback, from professionals, that was applicable to our music video. This has allowed us to be more productive on the software, Premiere Pro, and produce a high quality video that has been created to the best of our ability.

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