My Tour Poster



Making media consists of a lot of processing, and one of the most important aspects of making media is research. Researching a genre is important because you begin to understand all the conventions of the genre you are studying.

When looking into posters AIDA is important.It is important to make sure your poster is;

  • ATTRACTIVE– so that the audience is drawn to your poster.
  • INTERESTING– so that it makes the audience want to be like the singer or be at their concert.
  • DESIRE– so that the audience are wanting to go and can’t stop thinking about it.
  • A CALL TO ACTION– so that they know where to buy tour tickets.

When researching my genre of pop, I made sure to focus on fonts, colour palettes,images,typograophy and layout as all these will help me design my magazine cover.

Whilst researching pop tour posters, I noticed the colour palettes on most of them were contrasting colours so that the writing on the poster can be seen clearly. Most of the fonts were bold and big which will lure the audience in but it all depends on the style of the artist.


I now know that for my music magazine to be successful I need it to be bold and bright to attract the audience and have all the information on it so that they are fully inform.

Please click on the image to see pdf

Please click on the image to see self assessment


Within my tour poster I had to make sure that it included fonts, images, colours and layouts that related to the genre pop and attracted the audiences eyes. I used the app Photoshop to cut the background out of the image that I took a few weeks ago during a photoshoot and then added a slight shade of pink to her lips. I also used the app InDesign, once I placed the photoshop image in I used the InDesign app to finish the poster off by adding a grey background and all the text around the model.

What went well;

  • The title is unique and bold to other posters.
  • All the information that is needed is there for the audience and any additional information can be found on the websites.

What I could do better;

  • I could of spend a bit more time of cutting around my model as there are bits of green around the edges of her.
  • During the photoshoot I could of positioned her in a more pop star pose.


I have now realized how much time goes into making a poster and how everything has to be precise and bold for everything to stand out individually on the poster. I will now make sure my poster is bold and unique from other posters so that it attracts the audience.


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