Star Image-Theirs and Mine


I chose Avicii, who is a famous artist who may appear on the front of my magazine.

I searched the web for his social media posts on twitter and snip tooled them onto a google slide. These individual posts represent my star image. By researching him it has made me realized that the post he makes are conventional and extraordinary compared to other artists. EDM music is very unique and ordinary meaning Avicii fits into the genre of music well.

The denotations of Avicii is that he is very thoughtful whilst posting on social media and his appearance changes when he’s in the EDM environment as you can see he is just in his own world in the images. This leads onto the connotations that the target audience will feel whilst reading his posts or listening to his lyrics. Avicii’s lyrics are very deep and personal which have a meaning behind them, which allows the audience to relate to what he is singing.


This shows my ‘picture perfect’ design of how I would present my model if they were in my magazine.Whilst researching about my genre I have thought about all the aspects of mise-en-scene;

  • Costume
  • Lighting
  • Setting
  • Props
  • Makeup
  • Framing and Angles
  • Body Language

I want my model to stand out and have a trance feeling about them so they really connect with the genre EDM. I want my audience to feel that my model is bold and that they are lovable.My model has to be attractive so that my magazine can gain as much interest as possible.


I have now discovered that by doing this research I can now look back on it whilst taking my photos in order to make my photos stand out and that they are unique.

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