Social Media Page Draft Two

Below is a screen castify of feedback from my teacher;


I have completed 8 posts within my social media page, all consisting of ordinary and extraordinary (Dyer) posts of my star image. Throughout my posts there is a blue colour scheme to help develop the identification of my social media page therefore the target audience will know the artist associated with the page. Whilst posting on my social media page I made sure to use the self assessment sheet used for draft one to guide me in the correct direction. Unconventionally I chose to release my music video/new single before releasing my album. This is because I thought by posting one song within the album it would increase the tension and build up for the whole album release, whilst also giving the audience an insight on what’s to come.


  • Include tour dates and where to get tickets
  • Add cross media convergence- theme tune of a new movie?
  • Guerilla marketing- giveaway for tour tickets


By receiving this feedback it help me get another perspective of my social media page therefore increasing the engagement it recieves.


Social Media Page Draft One

Below is a list of essential items where I can asses wether my social media page is going in the right way or not and what else I need to include to make it conventional and follow AIDA (attention, interesting, desire and a call to action).

Click To See PDF


So far I have stayed active on my social media page to keep up the engagement between the star and the fans, this helps boost followers and likes. I have made sure to include teasers and interactions to promote my stars products, by appealing them with things they can participate in. By having a link tree in the bio makes it easily accessible for the audience therefore they have no reason to not be able to find the music video etc. It is important throughput the social media page to use Dyers theory of having separate views of the star image ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary’. The picture of her with her friends supports the fact she is an ordinary person whereas the post where she is seen promoting another product makes her extraordinary as she is seen working with popular brands.

Frequently, I use other accounts as a way of promoting political issues and addressing the problems seen within the world. By promoting this it allows the artist to be viewed as self-aware and generous, which will gain her a larger following base as people will support her. I have made sure my artist is constantly interacting with her fans so that they feel welcomed and wanted there, therefore this makes my artist friendly and approachable.

Below are some posts/stories as well as some interactions I have achieved so far.



By doing this it has allowed me to focus on what I have done successfully and what I need to do to achieve a successful social media page.

Timeline And Marketing Ideas


Above is a rough idea of a timeline of marketing campaign ideas I could include in my Social Media Page, however the structure and aesthetic may change as I go along as I may find something looks better whilst producing the page. To create a successful Social Media Page it is important to follow AIDA (attractive, interest, desire and a call to action) so that the target audience is satisfied and would want to interact and follow the page. To engage your target audience you want to use viral or guerrilla marketing to increase the social interaction and excitement within your social media page, I have included viral marketing by uploading my music video on YouTube therefore it has the possibilities of getting shared onto other platforms like Facebook and TikTok. To promote my social media page I will include a giveaway that requests fans to share and like my post for a chance to be entered in the giveaway, this therefore increases the profile visits and generates new followers.Throughout my Instagram bio I will make sure to keep it up to date with new information about upcoming teasers as this is one of the first conventions the audience will see when they come across my page.


This timeline allows me to stay up to date with my social media page and manage it efficiently so that I can successfully convey my star, their star image and the genre EDM.

Audience Interaction With a Social Media Page – An Analysis

Audience interaction is critical for a stars social media page, to successfully attract their target audience and promote their brand and music. Once a platform is created the star can use different marketing strategy to attract the attention of their target audiences.

I decoded Anna Lunoe’s Instagram page to see how she engages with her audience. Below is a Screencastify explaining what I learnt from her page;

I Identified how she utilises the uses of gratification (Blumler & Katz) and AIDA (attention, interest, desire, a call to action) To further emphasis the engagement she is trying to receive with her fans. I noticed Anna Lunoe’s Instagram is very ordinary as she posts day to day videos of her talking on her stories therefore she becomes vey relatable to her fans. This becomes her USP (unique selling point) as it is seen as unconventional for famous idols to share so much of their opinions and lifestyle due to privacy reasons. She also has an extraordinary side as she receives invites to famous brands events such as Versace which supports Dyer’s theory of “a star is an image not a real person”. She also has a podcast that she uses as integrated advertising to promote more of her music on.


Looking into a stars social media page of the same genre I am using helps me understand the technical conventions I will need to include to develop a social media page that will stand out to my target audience. I now know it’s important to have a strong marketing strategy to promote my stars brand image therefore allowing the audience to use entertainment, information, personal identity, social interaction to interact with the social media page.



Social Media Page Terminology


Above I deconstructed an artist within my chosen genre to identify the technical conventions that are used within a social media platform. Popular artists within the EDM genre like to use social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to promote their music to their specific target audience. I chose to look into an Instagram page as this is the platform I will be using to promote my artist and products.Having a social media page allows that target audience to understand who they’re listening to more and develop more awareness of their music. Marketing campaigns are efficient in promoting a product world wide, it increases audience engagement meaning that they will become inspired therefore spreading the word of your product around which will increase sales.


I know now the technical conventions featured in artists of my genre social media pages and what I need to include. I know the importance it is to use marketing campaigns to develop a clear relationship between the artist and fans so that a friendly atmosphere can be identified when looking at my artists social media page.