This is a list of the things to do, in priority order, to complete your Advanced Portfolio.

  1. Ensure the three media products are displayed on your home page
  2. Complete the critical reflection essay & post
  3. Complete any outstanding blog posts
  4. Make amendments / additions to orange posts
  5. Ensure your blog runs in the same order as the blog league
  6. Review your theme; does it require each post to be clicked individually to read? If so, change it.
  7.  Proof read blog posts for spelling, punctuation and grammar

On Plagiarism, aka Cheating

Please be aware that any blog post, which contains content (words) which are copied from another blog; that post will receive a mark of zero.

If more than three blog posts contain content copied from another student’s blog,  this will result in further action and may be referred to the exam board as ‘malpractice’.

Here is the guidance from Cambridge International on malpractice in coursework.

Definition of malpractice

This is what we are required to do if we identify plagiarism in your blog, whilst we do the final marking or during final moderate.

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