An introduction to Indesign and My Magazine Front Page Swede

Lesson 1  Serena will take us all through the basics of: INDESIGN – how to create a poster template, place a photo, add text, change colours etc. SHE HAS CREATED A GREAT PAGE ON THE FACULTY OF ARTS WEBSITE TO SUPPORT YOU WITH INDESIGN. Make sure this the first place you look at for answers to yourContinue reading An introduction to Indesign and My Magazine Front Page Swede

A front cover analysed

KEY TERMS: represent, connote, infers, implies, suggests etc, technical design conventions, demographics, psychographics, audience segmentation, target audience.  Task Study the various magazine covers in the slideshare in pairs. Then individually take a copy of the slideshare and keep the  magazine cover you are going to research for target audience data and how that might impactContinue reading A front cover analysed

Conventional design features of a magazine

KEY TERMS: Technical conventions, expectations, typicalities, masthead, cover lines, main cover line, main cover star, barcode, price, plug, pug, insets and captions. The Design Elements of a Magazine Cover You need to learn the TERMINOLOGY to describe EXAMPLES of print design. You need these terms to: ANALYSE professional examples ANNOTATE ONE FOR technical conventions HereContinue reading Conventional design features of a magazine

Contact Sheets – how to make one

Make sure ALL of your photos are in your D Drive in a folder marked Photos. Open Adobe Bridge and Photoshop – in this instance go for the CS5 – the older versions Bridge Select the photos from the pictures folder Tools – select Photoshop – select Contact Sheet Photoshop Contact Sheet should be displayed Export asContinue reading Contact Sheets – how to make one

The Camera Talks

KEY TERMS DISTANCE, ANGLE, FRAMING, COMPOSITION, NARRATIVE, REPRESENT, DENOTATION, CONNOTATION, NARRATIVE, IMAGE AND AN IDEA This post has two elements to it. TASK 1 The Camera Talks In groups of @ 3, you must take at least 50 photos around school that attempt to tell a story – use distance, angle and framing to showContinue reading The Camera Talks

Every picture tells a story

Just as MES can be used to convey a mood, represent a character, convey a genre or help tell a story, CAMERA too can be used to create meaning in a media text. Here is a glossary of camera terms you will need to learn and know. How many different types of camera angle, framing,Continue reading Every picture tells a story

My Image that uses Mise En Scene to communicate meaning

KEY TERMS MISE EN SCENE, COSTUMES, HAIR, MAKE UP, BODY LANGUAGE, POSE, FACIAL EXPRESSION, COLOUR, FABRIC, STYLE, REPRESENTATION, GENRE DECODE, DENOTATIONS, CONNOTATIONS, GENRE. Remember for this post on costuming and dressing a model for your allocated genre of music performer,  you should include the following 4 elements in this particular post: 1) MOODBOARD Explain howContinue reading My Image that uses Mise En Scene to communicate meaning

Print Media that communicates meaning – Tour Poster Analysis

KEY TERMS CONNOTATIONS, DENOTATIONS, REPRESENT, SIGNIFY, CONNOTE, AN IMAGE AND AN IDEA, DECODE, DECONSTRUCT, Remember, what is it ‘saying’?  The denotations (things) all have connotations (meanings).  Use terms like these in your introduction to the post along with decoding, deconstructing, signs, symbols etc to show that you are getting to grips with how to analyseContinue reading Print Media that communicates meaning – Tour Poster Analysis